Theme Week 10: Irony
Mother says to her Daughter: You are so creative and talented. You should really keep going with your artwork.Grandmother says to her Granddaughter: Honey, That's wonderful! You're so good! Will you draw me something?
Daughter says to Mother: I don't want to pursue this as a career.
Granddaughter says to Grandmother: No, I'm not good at all. I don't want to draw another picture of your dog.
Mother says to Daughter: If this is because of your boyfriend, you better let him go, because I've seen what you can do, and if he doesn't surpport you you better damn well let him go.
Granddaughter says to Daughter: Oh honey, You love to draw , why don't you want to do it for life?
Daughter says to Mother: I know Mom, I can make my own decisions.
Granddaughter says to Grandmother: I just don't.
Daughter heads up to her room and tapes a piece of paper to her computer screen. On the screen there is an image herself. She traces the contour outlines, rips the paper off, and begins to pencil in the shades of grey.
I imagine the mother and the grandmother get along fine as long as they have a football to pass back and forth.... Must get rough being the football.
That last section in italics is ironic all right--there's the writer all pulled and tugged hither and thither sitting down in front of her electronic image tracing an outline (she must feel like an outline her mother and grandmother are trying to fill in!)of herself in shades of gray (everyone's favorite image of ambivalence and ambiguity.)
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